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Why was i banned from your site. Im a fan. Sometimes we disagree but never disrespectful.

5564d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The reason why u said GEARS is because it on Xbox ONLY and that paticular title can't be done on PS3 due to contracts etc.

Also, It was published by Microsoft. Also, LittleBigPLanet is not 1st party either. Its just like Gears of war.

5564d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Mass effect was not multiplat and it sold 2 mil.

Gears1 sold 5 mil. That was a new ip and it sold more than Uncharted and LBP combined.

The thing is, MS have released alot of 1st party titles.

Sony has 20 studios. They should be pumping out games like no tomorrow. I love new IPs, I bought Uncharted and LBP but Sony needs to release some sequels also. They are money makers.

5564d ago 13 agree34 disagreeView comment

Its just not what Sony and its fans expected. They expected 1 million in the first 3 days.

I just wonder why the other 18 million SOny fans didn't buy it. Thats all. When Halo3 launched there were around 12 million Xboxes and it sold 2 mill at launch, then about 4 more the rest of the year. Now that xbox is at about 22 Million, Halo3 has sold almost 9.5 million. Thats almost half of all current 360 owners at this moment.

It just wasn't the titles Sony Fans claimed an...

5565d ago 5 agree8 disagreeView comment

Its actually 3 weeks. The reason why its a big deal is because Sony fans said it would be the Best Game ever. It was suppose to move Millions of consoles. It was suppose to "Killzoned" everything. I guess not.

5565d ago 10 agree8 disagreeView comment

when it favors sony. Looks like Xbox has officially and unofficially kicked Sony's @ss. Poor Killzone. I got my copy but a lot others didn't.

Edit- Happy Face. I really dont know either. It baffles me. This is a good game but Sony Fans dont seem to care.

5565d ago 18 agree29 disagreeView comment

But LEonKennedy is right. Its not for everyone. Its kinda like its not for anyone.

5567d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

I also miss crazy Ken.

5567d ago 3 agree15 disagreeView comment

because the GAMER wins if a certain game sold well.

Sony and GG make more money if Killzone sells more. In return,
-The have more money to make sequels
-They have more money to make new IPs
-They have more confidence in experimenting on New techs

So the Gamers wins in the end because they will get another game. Hopefully a AAA game or a breath of fresh air.

The reason why Killzone sales matter so much to Sony fans is because Sony and GG...

5567d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

still one is a FPS the other is not. But please remember KIllzone was suppose to be the game to end all games. Halo Wars was not.

5567d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I agree. I got my copy. I couldn't pass it up. It didn't live up to the hype but still good. What did the other 18million PS3 gamers buy. Im still waiting for more Ps3 exclusives.

5567d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Killzone made no difference. Lets wait till march. That sounds familiar

just wait till march of 07
Just wait till MGS4
Just wait till Xmas 07
just wait till 08
Just wait till LBP
Just wait till Xmas 08
Just wait till Killzone

Now i guess we will have to wait for Xmas 09 to see if Finally 2009 will be the year of PS3.


Ape, you're probably right. We might have to wait till the price drop. But im sure MS...

5567d ago 70 agree66 disagreeView comment

It took Killzone 4 years. Dont hate on Alan Wake.

5567d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

look good

5568d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Boring as hell. Played it till the 2nd chapter after fighting the "bat" and could no longer continue.

-I want to be scared.
-I want puzzles
-I might want ribbons and type writers.... maybe.

Its just a generic action game now with good graphics.

5568d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

will be good also. He has alot to live up after Braid.

It looks like he can only go down from here.

5568d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

look like Halo Wars CG clips. Hopefully the animation will run smooth also.

5570d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

to get HHG off the front page.

5571d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

and my ....... d@mn!

5571d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

There are some that are good. I have about 5.

Just becasue you dont like them does not mean they are not good.

We know your a Sony Fanboy. I bet if PSN had this then they would ALL be good, Right?

5572d ago 10 agree8 disagreeView comment